Monday, December 12, 2016


So I was going to write something else tonight. A bit of a rant post about 2016 (it'll be fun, eventually). Totally even started it. However, it got late, and I want to give myself time to finish the thought without rushing. So instead I'm going to post the song that got me through some of the roughest months in the midst of 2016 and leave it at that.

This song came up on my Spotify while I was walking tonight (part of the reason I have minimal time to finish this post). I first heard it over the summer during my crazy and slightly longer than planned trip to camp. These trips have happened a couple of times actually, where I go up for "a day or two" and end up staying for at least four days. In this case to the detriment of my work schedule, but it was totally worth the lost day of pay. Awesome weekend.

Anyways, I heard this song that weekend and proceeded to play it on repeat for most of the next two weeks because it was exactly what I needed to hear right at that moment. Jesus is often very cool like that in my experience.

What I love most about the song is that it is so clearly speaking against things that we have accepted as love in the past, that ended up wounding us. Then it clearly says, "God's Love is NOT like that," and affirms what Love should actually look like. And if you don't need that reminder every once in a while, I kinda want to live your life? But not really, because I'm a fan of the reminders. They tend to be the most awesome moments in my life.

They're the reason I can still be something of an optimist after this year is said and done. But, like I said, more on that later.

Until tomorrow.

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